We always look forward to Strictly as an oasis of light in a dark and dismal January. This year, with nasty bugs, January has been extremely tiresome so Strictly is more welcome than ever. It's a feast of sparkle, glitter and light!
The line up was excellent and we loved seeing seven of 2017 celebrities performing. The judges were Darcy, Craig and Bruno and they were fab-u-lous dahling, as ever. A lovely surprise was 2016's winner Ore Adubo hosting the event.
Of course, Gemma Atkins won on her home patch, and rightly so. The runner up, our favourite, was Debbie McGee. They were all fantastic.
After three hours of glitz and glamour we headed off to San Carlo in Manchester city centre for some more glitz and glamour. Chris and I would never go to San Carlo on our own; it's a haven for footballers and northern celebrities, but with our Strictly friends and in our Strictly togs, it somehow feels just right!