The Stephen Joseph Company was as brilliant as usual, giving a sparkling and fast-paced performance of Ayckbourn's 2019 play and his 83rd production in his 80th year!
The cast of four took us backwards in time, from Mickey's 80th birthday, to Meg's 60th birthday party; Adrian's 30th birthday and finally, ending up at where it all began, Sonia's 18th birthday party.
Adrian has, according to his parents, a certain reputation regarding women and they feel meek, mild-mannered Grace, his most recent girlfriend, should surely be warned of this. But are things really as they appear? Be prepared, as birthday follows birthday, to be amazed as the truth is finally revealed about Adrian, the suburban closet Lothario!
We all laughed uproariously, as Adrian's unlikely Lothario reputation is unraveled in a series of brilliant acts. Another wonderful Ayckbourn performance to brighten up a dark November evening!