On Bank Holiday Thursday we decided to avoid the crowds and head over to Alnwick, to visit Barter Books.
Barter Books has been on our ‘to go to’ list for a few years, but it wasn’t until some friends mentioned that the journey was doable in a day, that we decided to go, at the next available opportunity.
What a fabulous bookshop! We enjoyed a couple of hours browsing through the books, as well as a delicious lunch, and a restorative coffee and cake, at the end. Barter Books is large but so well organised that it’s easy to see all the books with ease, unlike many second hand bookshops, where books are piled up in dusty heaps and inaccessible.
We didn’t buy many books but we have a fairly long list of books we’re considering! A couple with Rackham illustrations and a fair amount of topography.
The cavernous shop is clearly laid out and the stock attractively displayed |
Little quotations from books are everywhere |
There are enclosed cabinets for the special stock |
At the front of the shop, a reminder that we are in the former railway station |
Some lovely books which we are thinking about |