
My hundred thousand bells of blue,
The splendour of the Spring,
They carpet all the woods anew
With royalty of sapphire hue;
The Primrose is the Queen, ’tis true.
But surely I am King!
Ah yes,
The peerless Woodland King!

Loud, loud the thrushes sing their song;
The bluebell woods are wide;
My stems are tall and straight and strong;
From ugly streets the children throng,
They gather armfuls, great and long,
Then home they troop in pride—
Ah yes,
With laughter and with pride!

It was a glorious day, today, and as we had an hour to spare, and were close to Kendal, we parked at Helsington Church and had a lovely stroll, enjoying the stunning views.

The woods were full of bluebells, and I thought of Cicely Mary Barker's Flower Fairies.