Twelfth Night

Last week we had our second visit to the Shakespeare North Playhouse, in Prescot. So blown away were we with this gorgeous theatre on our first visit, that we immediately booked to see Twelfth Night.

This production by the company Not Too Tame was certainly different! With Les Dennis starring as Malvolio, the setting a music festival, lots of music, song and dance, we were definitely in for a treat.

Overall, the play was fabulous, energetic, funny but with a good dose of pathos in the character of Malvolio. I don't think the music festival setting really worked for me, it wasn't particularly credible, but I did love all of the music. I was slightly concerned for the first five minutes, that we weren't going to have any of Shakespeare's dialogue, but then it started, and after this it fairly zipped along. 

The story of twins separated by a storm and falling in love with the wrong people, and the chaos of disguise and mistaken identities ensues, and the audience was spellbound. The subplot of Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Aguecheek was very strong in this production. I loved the portrayal of Maria and found it very convincing.

Les Dennis was excellent, this is the second time we've seen him in the theatre, and his first appearance in Shakespeare. His Malvolio was pompous and overbearing; and then descends into pathos. I loved his yellow stockings and cross garters, also his yellow coat.

The audience was held in thrall throughout the performance and the cast received a well deserved standing ovation at the end.

We're so looking forward to our next visit to this beautiful building, let's hope it's quite soon.