Garden in August

The summer has been fairly warm and, at times, quite wet - perfect for the garden plants, if not for gardeners.

Artichokes add some interest

Roses of all types seem to do well in our garden

Our climbing rose probably need a trim

A single head of Phlox emerges

Old fashioned rose ‘Gertrude Jekyll’

Perfect for gentleman bees

Sea Holly (Eryngium)

Rose ‘Bathsheba’, a vigorous climber with myrrh scent

Rose ‘Tottering gently by’

Our new summerhouse has had plenty of use this year, come rain or shine

Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ - perennial sunflowers

Our pelican keeps an eye on things

Honeysuckle will be out in the next couple of weeks

A single hollyhock, self-seeded, is about 6 feet high

A solar fountain produces the calming sound of running water

The ferns like this damp, mostly shady corner