Gilbert and Sullivan's Iolanthe

The Gilbert and Sullivan Festival has come round once again, I can't believe that it's now in its 30th year! It's fully back at Buxton Opera House now, and this seems the right place after a foray to Harrogate for a few years.

We were a bit restricted this year due to work commitments and planned holidays, so we chose a production of Iolanthe. Always a favourite. This production was the Peak Opera Company, so not a professional performance, but excellent all the same.

Bernie and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, although we were in the theatre on one, if not the, hottest days of the year so far!

The fairies tripped, there was much tantara, tzing, boom-ing and the Lords were suitably lordlike.

Iolanthe never disappoints. It must be one of Gilbert and Sullivan's most perfect comic operas. The music, characters and dialogue are all superb. 

We had a perfect evening's entertainment, and just wished that we could have spent more time in Buxton, amongst all things G&S.